The motivational cliche to “pursue your dreams” has dramatically increased since the inception of social media. With Instagram playing an integral role for self-exposure, people who were once normal or even “nobodies” have the chance to become a “somebody” by branding themselves, and may reach levels of celebrity status. This presentation will examine the shift from traditional marketing techniques to today’s popular social media which play key roles as tools to achieve grand exposure. From a mere glance, @roypurdy is an eccentric young adult with a vibrant wardrobe and distinct style, but this image he has branded has allowed himself to thrive in the online realm. When a social media figure reaches micro-celebrity or even celebrity status, to what extent do micro-celebrities influence the culture or subcultures amongst young millennials? Are the rising number of social media influencers and their motivational messages encouraging others to partake in this trend as well?
About the presenterSong Yun
Media and Communications Studies, May 2019
Interested in researching social media as a tool for marketing