Ever since Barbie was first introduced in 1959, her journey has inspired adoration, dismay, and loathing. Her body, professions, and accessories have all coalesced to create an icon that many young girls adore. As grown women, our feelings are more complicated. Barbie can be connected to fond childhood memories; however, her frame can also inspire body image issues. She has had many exciting careers. On the flip side, her famous blond locks make it difficult for many to identify with her. As manifestations of Barbie have changed over the past fifty years, the scrutiny she has come under has only increased. We ask ourselves the question, should young girls play with this doll? This workshop will examine the history of Barbie, the controversy surrounding her, and why she inspires such a mixture of emotions. It will also take a look at how many people have adapted Barbie to fit their own needs, and participants will be given the opportunity to do the same.
About the presentersMeghann Ryan-Posthumus
Meghann is a media psychologist who has presented at a variety of conferences including: MAPACA, APA, PCA/ACA, FWPCA, and NAMLE. She is a chairperson for the Food & Culture panel at MAPACA. Her research interests include: food studies, beer culture and media consumption.
Her previous faculty appointments were in communication and English departments at colleges in eastern Pennsylvania. After fourteen years of teaching, Meghann currently works as an instructional designer while pursuing a PhD.
Denise M. Chaytor-Zugarek
Denise has worked in higher education for 14 years. She has taught courses in Communication Studies, Mass Communication, and College Success at various institutions since 2001. Denise has also worked for East Stroudsburg University’s TRiO Upward Bound program since 2004 and as the Retention Specialist for TRiO Student Support Services at Bloomsburg University since 2012.