Mid-Atlantic Popular &
American Culture Association

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Fieldwork Data Results for Investigating Receiving Vaults – Part Two

J. Joseph Edgette (Widener University)
Presentation type: 

Last year at MAPACA an explanation of the methodology to be used for the collection of data intended for the examination and analysis of necessary and relevant information needed for the study of receiving vaults or tombs was presented using detailed, descriptive narrative to those in attendance. After having created a body of 100 samples for inclusion as representative examples of these cemetery structures, a then unfinished analytical evaluation of the acquired data was suggested with the end results to be presented at this year’s MAPACA conference. This presentation has been designed to provide an understanding of the physical features and purposes of these temporary holding tombs for the dead as well as what the future of these holding tombs may hold. In essence this presentation will provide an illustrative application of a micro-denotational data instrument suitable for fieldwork use as a means to verify and statistically record the findings of this particular fieldwork-oriented endeavor.

Scheduled on: 
Friday, November 8, 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm

About the presenter

J. Joseph Edgette

This member is deceased. Receiving his Ph.D. in Folklore from the University of Pennsylvania Dr. Edgette was Professor Emeritus and Folklorist Emeritus, Widener University, Chester, PA. and Co-chair of Death in American Culture Area of MAPACA and Chair of the Cemeteries and Gravemarkers Area of the American Culture Association. Former Vice-Chair of the Woodlawn Cemetery Conservancy, Bronx, NY., he most recently served as President of the Riverview Conservancy, Trenton, NJ.

Session information

The Final Journey

Friday, November 8, 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm (Ohio Room)

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