Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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The Iconography of King James and the NBA's Political Bible: One Man's Power in Shaping the Image of an Institution

Zoe Merod
Presentation type: 

What does it mean to be king? To call oneself “king” has implied, for the majority of western history, a claim of one’s authority over a group of people or a vast entity of land. In the case of Lebron James and modern sports, the name “king” easily labels his super-stardom and influence over the game of men’s professional basketball. “King James,” as he has been called, represents more than just a basketball player. He personifies basketball as a whole; the sport, the game and the institution. Today, the NBA can, in many ways, be represented by the face of this one man. In the field of Art History, iconography is the study of the symbols associated with a textual source and it can be argued that the symbolism of Lebron James can be read iconographically alongside the perpetuated narrative so central to his public identity: that he reigns as king of the court. Using images to evidence and define the argument, this paper will suggest that there is a connection between the sociopolitical power dynamics of current sports culture and the organization of society in the medieval and into the Early Modern periods. Addressing the play on words created by James’ nickname, examining the parallels across time where kings ruled lands and moved residences frequently, the iconographic ideal of kingship will be explored. The 2018 NBA Playoffs and subsequent championship provide an interesting case study for analyzing James’ role in representing the entirety of the league. Additionally, approaching the notion of kingship visually will prompt a semiotic reading of medieval and modern expressions of masculinity. Lebron James’ prominence in popular sports culture echoes the social importance of dynastic kings as they commanded social narrative and popular belief and this presentation will ultimately consider these nuanced relationships.

Scheduled on: 
Saturday, November 10, 10:30 am to 11:45 am

About the presenter

Zoe Merod

An art historian in training with a passion for medieval architecture. My research interests include the representation of architecture in painting and the role of the built environment in society.

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