Mid-Atlantic Popular &
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Gun Rights and Reddit

Kyle Jamison
Presentation type: 

This data science project focuses on the relationship between gun rights supporters and Reddit. Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. This project focuses on four specific subreddits in which most of the participants are subscribers to the subreddits. The subject of these four subreddits is gun rights advocacy in the United States. To collect data, this author uses Python and a Reddit API package called Pushshift to demonstrate scatter plots of each subreddit’s previous five-hundred submissions. The data take into account submissions with the most comments, and therefore the most discussion. The author then analyzes the arguments, claims, and information or comments in the posts provided by the users in order to determine what was true, mis, or dis information. Information from journals, articles, and other related websites is used to synthesize the data.

Scheduled on: 
Friday, November 9, 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm

About the presenter

Kyle Jamison

B.A. in Media and Communications, Minor in Entrepreneurship. UMBC, 2018. I’m interested in Data Science, Graphic Design, 3-D modeling, and Motion Graphics.

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