Online merchants and their ecommerce engines were the disruptive force and changed the landscape of the retail industry, and introduced entirely new channels, processes and methodologies. In recent years, the information revolution has further empowered individuals by handing them the technology to compete against huge organizations and challenged the role and impact of the current retail system. Social media used to allow brands connecting with consumer for an instant source of consumer feedback and information that provides a new avenue to learn exactly what their consumers wants and when. Consumers not only browse, looking for things that they love, make a purchase based on shared browsing taste, and consume more products but also want to buy what they see online and on social media right away before it hit stores.
This presentation will be focusing on what changes in consumer behaviors in current fashion market with new technology or platform and how the demographic shift and its disruption causes for fashion industry require new strategies to position brands and cater for the next generation of consumers and press.
About the presenterAeran Park
Professor of Fashion at Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta, GA. Previously creative director at Fashion Angels Enterprises and chairperson and an associate professor of the Fashion Department at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, WI. Published “Workbook for the Fashion Designer: The Complete Guide to Fashion Illustration” Mar. 2012 (translated in Chinese and published in HongKong in May, 2012) and currently working on “Mastering Fashion Illustration with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS6” with Pearson.