The women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have gone through incredible changes since the franchise started in 2008 with the movie Iron Man. Their roles have progressed from love interest to warrior and are now leading as fully developed characters, heroes in their own stories. Their transitioning role in the narrative and effect on the plot has been a notable component of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This presentation will show the development of women’s roles in films and television shows, as well as discuss scholarly literature on this issue. It will examine how the portrayal of women in these stories has improved relative to their centrality in plots through motivation and personal involvement in solving the conflict. In addition, we will discuss the significance and impact of these changes for the women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in relation to archetypes and the stereotypes in which they have been trapped.
About the presentersAndrew Sparling
I am a Graduate student from Queens College with a Masters Degree in Library Science.
I enjoy pop culture in the form of graphic novels, television shows, books, and movies specifically anything dealing with fantastic elements like space or science fiction. My goal as a Librarian is to promote the use and circulation of graphic novels in libraries and schools so that they are recognized for their innovative storytelling.
Matthew J. Dineiro
Matthew Dineiro is a graduate from the Aaron Copland School of Music with a focus on music analysis. He later continued for a graduate degree in Library Science at CUNY Queens College, while continuing a passion for the analysis of literature of all kinds.