Laurel Thatcher Ulrich once said, “Well behaved women rarely make history.” Her statement is as true today as it was when it was printed in her novel years ago. However, modern women are making history in new ways. In recent years, they have taken to the Internet to make a difference. By using their social media savvy, women have moved from the household to the soapbox, and in doing so, they have reinvented their role as activists.
In this paper, I will analyze the effects of social media usage of young women (approximately 18-24 years of age) on the nature of private information. Just as social media has changed the way marketing and news are shared, it has also impacted what and how individuals can express emotions and thoughts. I suspect that outlets like Facebook, Twitter and blog sites have created an environment where information that was considered private, in the past, is now acceptably shared on the Internet.
As this becomes more popular, the voices of women, who were once ignored, are now heard. Women’s issues and concerns are brought to the forefront of the public’s mind due to the newfound exposure that social media has given to them. The value of social media in such endeavors cannot be ignored, as women like Tawakkol Karman and Asmaa Mahfouz move from the private to public spheres and bring their thoughts, beliefs and courage with them.
About the presenterSamantha Barbara Weiss
Samantha Weiss is has a BA in communications and an MA in English literature, with graduate certificates in Women and Gender Studies and TESOL. She hopes to be admitted to an Education PhD or EdD in the coming years. She is currently working as the Assistant Director of a daycare and developing an educational nonprofit, which will provide all learners educational support services in the form of tutoring, extra-curricular workshops, and summer camps.