Mid-Atlantic Popular &
American Culture Association

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Mad Men and the Representation of “US”

Patrick Anthony Broadnax (Edinboro University of Pennsylvania)
Presentation type: 

Mass media has been proven to perpetrate social variables based on structured hierarchies within American society: Gender, race, sexuality & class are just a few of the most prevalent. The AMC series Mad Men, created by Matthew Weiner, presents many displays of how these three social variables operate in American society within the multiple institutions, such as work, family, media and more—ultimately attempting to capture the essence of true American recognition. The question is: Are these variables truly representative of the American spirit, *or are we just advertising? *

By studying the award-winning series through a sociological lens, one is able to observe the constructs of gender, race, sexuality & class as common social structures that have been made rudimentary in American civil society. The representation of “US” is essentially hierarchical advertising as a way of control and organization in the face of great diversity and an expanding population. As such, this representation of “US” depends on these often fictional methods of societal structure that are so fragile that they are bound to cause social unrest and stress on those that inhabit said society.

Mad Men
Scheduled on: 
Saturday, November 8, 9:00 am to 10:15 am

About the presenter

Patrick Anthony Broadnax

Young aspiring writer from Huntsville, Alabama. Currently a college student at Edinboro University, studying English writing and Sociology. My main focus of study is media representation in popular literature, art, film and television as it relates to race, sexuality, gender, & socioeconomics. I also hope to get involved in helping change the way the nation and the world thinks about education. Both subjects are a big part of my own creative written work as well.

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